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You took our jobs

Now we take yours!

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To provide New York City residents with information, resources, training/mentorship to run for City Council, and ongoing support after election to be effective legislators. 


Boosting voter engagement and participation in local elections by recruiting and mentoring civic-minded people who sincerely want to represent their communities in the City Council, rather than using elected office as a stepping stone or an opportunity for personal wealth creation.


Community means "Common Unity"--working within communities to identify and mentor statesmen, not career politicians. 

Who We Are:

In 2022, groups of public sector employees affected by New York's strict COVID vaccine mandates joined together to find a way to provide an opportunity for interested members of "medical freedom" groups to run for office and replace the elected offices whose decisions during and after the pandemic adversely affected their lives. 

What We Do:

We are a 501(c)(4) civic organization that provides the information, resources and training/mentorship to help new candidates launch a City Council campaign, and provide support during the campaign and after election.

Why We Do What We Do:

"You took our jobs, now we take yours."

Our Partners

Protect your family

From the opioid epidemic to thalidomide and now out of control drug costs, om tjour medical industry has been uncontrollably corrupted by for-profit industry interests..  Be a part of the solution.

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